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Specific Observations
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Welcome to this Observa guide on the app basics! In this video, we will discuss the section on specific observations.
So you found an opportunity on your map near you that you’d like to complete? Perfect! Then go ahead and click on that logo and read the relevant information.
The pay for the opportunity is displayed here. Remember, we pay within a few days of completing an opportunity (sometimes even on the same day).
You can see how long the campaign will run for until it is unable to be completed anymore.
This will provide a basic summary of the opportunity. Once you’ve read through these relevant instructions, accept the opportunity and get ready to observe.
Now, there is a counter displaying your time left to complete this observation.
If you are not able to complete this observation within the given timeframe, it is acceptable to decline the observation. However, this does negatively impact your internal observer reputation, so only do this if it’s absolutely necessary.
By clicking on observe, you will now be able to complete the opportunity once you reach the store location. Once you complete all required sections for an opportunity, click submit.
This concludes the section on specific observations!